One year ago today imaginED published its very first blog post. (It was a post about a giant squid—an amazing creature worthy of our respect and admiration.) Today, imaginED has 130 posts that share resources, practices, and inspiration for imaginative educators of all kinds. The focus of imaginED continues to be on practices at all levels of education and in all subject areas that engage students’ emotions with whatever they are learning.
imaginED is all about education that inspires–education that leaves students’ emotions engaged.
A Year In (Quick) Review
Lots has happened in our first year. A blog with a singular article about a giant squid now hosts a wide range of topics and resources —So grab a huge piece of cake (totally guilt-free) and check out what imaginEd has to offer!
On imaginED you will find information on:
Imaginative Education and the inspiring pedagogy of Dr. Kieran Egan;
The power of cognitive tools for learning: The Tips For Imaginative Educators Series;
How imagination can be purposefully and powerfully engaged in Math&Science,
Literacy/English/Second Language Learning, Social Studies (History/Geography) and other subject areas;
Imaginative Ecological Education—how to engage the body, emotion and imagination in place-based practices;
How to #getouside and teach your curriculum: A Full Walking Curriculum;
Educational topics for discussion that deal with imagination, creativity, innovation, teaching and learning practices;
The Learning in Depth, or LiD program including posts by LiD teachers around the world (imaginEd is international! We are happy to have a whole Spanish Language section to support imaginative educators in Chile/South America/Mexico);
AND we have an active and inspiring twitter-based #imaginEDchat—the first Wed of every month is #wonderWed so please join me (@perfinker) or Olwen Cowan (@MsOlwenCowen) for this inspiring chat.
I feel incredibly fortunate for the learning opportunities the world of blogging has provided me over the past year. Blogging has allowed me to meet an incredible number of inspiring and dedicated educators. It has also allowed me to enrich and develop relationships with colleagues near and far. What a gift!
imaginED has become a blog for imaginative educators by imaginative educators.
In no particular order of awesomeness a special thank you to all those educators who posted with us this year!
Dr. Kieran Egan Judy Dabideen-Sonachansingh Marlene Roseboom
Susie LaVallee Savas Savides Christa Rawlings
Linda Holmes Thomas Larsen & Lisa Tabor Millsaps Fred Harwood
Dr. Theodore Christou Dr. Brian Dall Schyth Olwen Cowan
Christine Younghusband Lindsay Zebrowski Leone Payson
Andrea Leeburn Melissa Chouinard-Jahant Jennifer Gidley
Courtney Robertson Kavita Hoonjan Gabriel Mateescu
Jolene McFadyen-Nein Yamanda Kaychouhi Boukmakh Carolina Lopez
Dr. Greg Lendvay Brandon & Kristin Hendrickson Tim Smyth
Dr. Tim Waddington Robin Ulster & James Denby Jailson Lima
Amazing, right?!
Last but not least, Adelle Caunce deserves special thanks for her post-writing and being the awesome artist behind the #imaginED operation!
Join us! Write for imaginED and connect with other imaginative educators.
Stay informed! If you would like to get a weekly update from imaginED please SUBSCRIBE here.
You have done an amazing job taking over from Dr. Keiran Egan and developing and running this blog. I am now a Learning Assistance Teacher so I do not have my own classes per se. Every time I read a Sci or Math story on here, I seriously consider going back into the regular classroom again. Thank you for all you and your team do.
Thank you Carla! That means a lot–I love the work because I love imaginative teaching and working with imaginative educators. How could we do it any other way? Nice to hear from you 🙂