Place-Based Education: Resources & Sources of Inspiration

Last year I was pleased to contribute two posts to a Place-Based Education Campaign initiated by Getting Smart.

I wrote about Expanding And Enriching Relationships In Place-Based Education and Guidelines For Assessment In Place-Based LearningThe campaign is now finished and the three-part publication series is available for use by educators. I highly recommend you review/use these resources! 

Part One: What is Placed Based Education and Why Does it Matter? provides an introduction and overview to PBE including a rationale, benefits, and examples from around the world.

Part Two: The Quick Start Guide to Implementing Place-Based Education offers a theory-inspired and research-based guide for all educators to use to implement PBE in classrooms and communities.

Part Three–hot off the “presses”: The Quick Start Guide to Place-Based Professional Learning outlines not only what students need to consider the natural world their “classroom”, but what can support teachers in developing their own sense of place.  This is important! This guide to professional learning offers a strategy for all educators to become effective place-based teachers and learners themselves.

You might also be interested in visiting the Getting Smart PBE Campaign page and/or peruse the 60+ blogs in the PBE series.

Please leave a comment or ask a question below! Do you practice PBE?  Do you have any questions about PBE?

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