IERG News Update: February 2018

Welcome Message From Dr. Mark Fettes Dear IERG friends and colleagues, Wherever we find ourselves these days, a glance around confirms how much the world is in need of “education that connects.” Bridging old animosities and divides, re-grounding students in the places and ecosystems where they live, tracing the links between person and planet – […]

Re-Imagining School Leadership: Beginnings

From: Griffiths, D. & Lowry, S. (Eds.). The Leader Reader: Narratives of Experience – An International Collection. (Word & Deed Publishing). Available Spring 2018. “That’s not a real word, Gillian.” I recently participated in a seminar on “student engagement” with new and experienced teachers, principals, vice-principals, and district-level educational leaders. We started with a basic ice-breaker activity. We […]

Evoking Feelings for Fractions, Photosynthesis, & Forces

(This post was recently published on the Nexus Education blog) We don’t talk much about feelings in education. There are many reasons for that, but I think one of the most important is that many people don’t see what feelings have to do with “serious” learning—that is, the serious learning of the 5-year-old making sense of colour, the […]