Welcome back to another school year! LiD teachers, are you interested in trying something new?
We (SFU CIRCE) have a professional development opportunity that might inspire you.
As you may know, we’ve teamed up with Spinndle to offer LiD teachers an interactive way of both tracking formative assessment and facilitating peer feedback.
Spinndle is an educational technology tool that allows teachers to create “quests” for their students, usually in the form of an open-ended question or prompt for a learning activity. Students can upload their responses in the form of a written, photo or video response. Quests can also encourage students to create multiple posts as a way to demonstrate and track their learning journey on that specific topic. Each post is visible to a student’s peers and teacher. They can offer qualitative feedback that acknowledges the student’s strengths or identifies areas for growth. As a student creates a post, they are reminded of the core curricular competencies: communication, critical thinking, and creative thinking. Students are required to self-assess in these areas before they can post. For a visual walk-through of Spinndle, click here.
What do your assessment practices with LiD look like? What is working for you, and what could help you assess better?
These are the questions we are hoping you’ll answer for us during our first webinar on October 1st. Spinndle might be the tech tool you are looking for. The “quest” aspect of the program aligns neatly with the LiD activity cards, prompting students when they feel stuck with their topic. Tracking written peer and teacher feedback allows students to refer back to their areas for growth, refine their posts, and deepen their learning throughout the term.
How do you envision this program working in your classroom? What more would you like to see from it?
SFU CIRCE and Spinndle are offering a two-part webinar on October 1st and 8th from 6:00 to 7:00pm. On the first date, learn about Spinndle and provide feedback to co-founders Jack and Kris about how you currently assess LiD, and what your assessment goals are for the current school year. During the second webinar, learn how to use Spinndle and see how you can adapt it for your classroom needs. Teachers who attend will have the option to participate in a free trial of the ed tech platform.
Interested in participating? Have questions? Contact [email protected] for more information or to sign-up for the event. Space is limited to 15 participants.