(60 Interdisciplinary Walks for K-12)
Sample Walks from the Walking Curriculum Resource
5 Sample Walks (Includes: Shapes Walk, Surfaces Walk, Motion Walk, Texture Walk, Where Is Here? Walk)
Teachers Share Their Walking Curriculum Work
Learn more about how classrooms are taking their learning outside with the Walking Curriculum—from the teachers themselves!
To get started, click on one of the tabbed headings and read the posts listed below…
“Search & Find” (By Adelle Caunce)
M-Kuwetem-kt–”We Walk” (By Holly Zurak)
Hear From Teachers: Walking Curriculum Stories (By PEEL District Educators)
The Key to Rethinking School This Year: Your Imagination (By Michelle McKay)
Meaningful Acts of Reconciliation: Infusing Indigenous Perspectives in Outdoor Education and Inquiry (By Michelle McKay)
The Silent Walk: A Deep Listening Activity (By Charles Fischer)
Taking Baby Steps With The Walking Curriculum (By Lana Steiner)
Naturally Inspired, Imaginative Writing: The Walking Curriculum With Intermediate Students (By Darcie Booth)
We Walk: Reflections On The Walking Curriculum (By Dina Lenning)
Deep Time Walk: A Powerful Tool To Connect With Life’s Story (By Denise Curi)
Taking Senior Science Students Outside With Purpose (By April McKnight)
A Walkshop With Teachers: Cross-Curricular Walking Activities For High School Students (By teachers at North Surrey Secondary School)
Exploring Teacher Professionalism…Outside (The Walking Curriculum Strikes Again!) (By Gillian Judson)
Getting Outside In Higher Education: Walking Curriculum (Part I) (By Gillian Judson)
Getting Outside In Higher Education: Walking Curriculum (Part II) (By Gillian Judson)
‘Bottoms Up’ Barefoot Walk: Simon Fraser University Burnaby Mountain Campus Tour (By Michael Maser)
Puddles And Biodiversity (By Chris Sweetman)
Walk The Talk (By Lidor Wyssocky)