Wrapping Yourself in Wonder: Making Space for Wonder is the Self-Care You Have Been Seeking

By Jessica Elkin Jessica A. Elkin, B.Ed, Master’s Student in Imaginative Education at SFU, Teacher-Librarian with the Delta School District who loves stories, getting messy, and having fun.  I come from a long line of makers. My grandmother was a rug hooker who hand-dyed and cut her wool, my mother is a prolific quilter, and I have […]

An Imaginative Approach to Teaching Identity

By Megan Sandham Megan Sandham is a Grade 3 teacher in Delta, BC and a graduate student in Imaginative Education. You can check out @grays3rdgraders on Twitter to follow her students’ adventures.  “How many kids do you think are living on Earth, right now?” I asked the 19 faces staring at me. A bunch of eager hands shot up, […]

If I Can Imagine, I Know I Can: Extending the Boundaries of Imagination

By Holly BF Warren (Atelierista and creator of the Think Tank) Humans seek order and pattern. At first they collect information from their surroundings and, as this is processed, it starts creating paths of knowledge. Along these paths they sow seeds of associations that reach out when an opportunity is at hand. They then shake hands […]