Connecting to Concrete: Breaking Through Urban Barriers with Imaginative Ecological Education (IEE)

By Krista Rutschmann (Educator, MEd in Imaginative Education) Every time we talk about Outdoor Education or Place-based learning, I think about our schoolyard and die a little inside. While others rhapsodize about the green spaces behind their schools or the creeks a couple of blocks away, I cringe at memories of syringes found, homeless camps […]

Working With Place

By Gillian Judson Collaboration. What do you think about when you hear that word? In the context of educators’ professional learning and development, the word “collaboration” will likely bring to your mind a myriad of memories and emotions: perhaps, sitting with colleagues long after students have gone home for the day, or now, in COVID […]


The Heroic Classroom: Planning With Imagination

By Christa Smith-Rawlings (MEd in IE; Grade 6/7  Teacher, Learning in Depth Teacher, Twitter @HeroicClassroom) Welcome back to: The Heroic Classroom.  Over the course of the school year I am on the hunt for two things: 1.  Reflections on my lessons and how various Heroic Qualities present themselves. 2.  Observations of how/if students recognize Cognitive Tools in action and how they […]