The Eco-Story Project

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Eco-stories—also called Awesome Alerts—are brief, engaging tales that focus on the wonderful and dramatic aspects of different living things. They are designed to engage students’ emotions and imaginations in learning.   They employ principles of Imaginative Ecological Education.iee_logo2 copy

Eco-stories can

engage students’ sense of wonder with the natural world,

increase students’ knowledge and awareness of different plant/animal species,

challenge stereotypes (e.g. Bugs are gross.),

leave students with a deeper sense of the interconnectedness of the world, and

make students laugh—the author (the voice in the stories) is a loveable, positive, easily-sidetracked, quirky story-teller.

Each eco-story is followed by some suggested cross-curricular activities that can be used to elaborate and extend the ideas in the story.   Follow-up activities can easily be modified to suit different ages of students.

For example, one ongoing feature of the eco-story activities is the “Cultivating Creative Conversations” piece in which students are asked to use challenging words from the text in imaginative ways. Learning in this as in all activities employs the learning tools of the imagination to most engage students.

We welcome your feedback on the activities and would love your suggestions for additional activities! Please contact us.

 Try out an eco-story about Ants, Aphids, & Ladybug below. Please note, the story and activities are for your use, not for distribution. Encourage other educators you know to visit our blog.

Or read this post:  The Not-So-Humble Pigeon. (Download the colouring page!)

If you would like additional eco-stories entitled Water Bears and Mantis Shrimp please subscribe to our blog and we will send these to you.

Gillian & Adelle



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6 thoughts on “The Eco-Story Project

  1. Hi! Great storiesm, can’t wait to share with students. How do I subscribe to your blog? I would love to get the Water Bears and Mantis Shrimp stories.

    1. Hi Melisa,
      Thank you for your kind feedback! I have subscribed you to the blog and you should be receiving a confirmation email shortly, as well as an email from myself with the above Eco-Stories.

  2. Hello!
    I couldn’t see where I might subscribe to your blog… This may not be a thing anymore as I see this was posted in Sept 2020:)
    Wondering if you could send me a copy of the Water Bears and Mantis Shrimp eco-stories? These are such a fun way to engage students’ imaginations in our more-than-human world.

    1. I am not sure what you mean by “Tel U”–but Eco-Stories is the name for the series. The “means of engagement” relate to the theory of Imaginative Education and Imaginative Ecological Education and use of cognitive tools. There is a lot more information on this site!

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