By Laura Farley (I am a curious teacher who enjoys sparking joy and wonder in children and spending my weekends peering into tide pools and bird watching.) A couple of years ago, when I was teaching Grade 1/2 in Calgary, the first snow of the year fell outside on the playground. The students were excited […]
Tag: #imaginED
cognitive tools focused teaching
On the Windowsill of Imagination
Holly BF Warren (atelierista/art studio teacher/multimedia artist) When we think we might stare into space, look out from a window, doodle, fiddle with whatever is at hand, touch our head, or play with our hair. Imagination weaves into our thoughts and nudges us into the realm of possibilities. If your thinking were a window, a […]
An Imaginative Approach to Teaching Literacy in the Primary Classroom
Judith Ameresekere (MEd in Imaginative Education, lover of literacy, and Primary Educator) Teaching grade two students how to write well is no walk in the park. Typically, in a given year, I have a few students who absolutely love writing and are skilled at using their imagination in their writing. However, a vast majority of […]