Story-Telling For Philosophic Thinkers If you’ve been following the TOOLS OF IMAGINATION SERIES you’ll know that there are many different tools we can employ with curricula to engage students. While these tools differ one from the other, a common thread connects them all. Every “cognitive tool” described—whether one that comes with the body, oral language, written […]
Tag: #KindsOfUnderstanding
Tips For Imaginative Educators #16: Take Them Out of This World
The Lure of Abstraction It can be intoxicating to realize that a whole world of abstract ideas exists that can explain and help us interpret the world of our daily lives. If supported in thinking in theoretical ways, many of our senior students/adult learners quickly and thoroughly take to the powerful understanding of the world […]
Teach Readers? Use These Tools To Fulfill Their Need For Adventure
Literacy Re-Wires The Imagination The punchline: It simply doesn’t make sense to teach non-readers and readers the same way. Their minds and imaginations work very differently. They are employing different cognitive tools to make sense of the world. Educators of readers (of any age), need to equip themselves with the tools of the literate mind to make whatever they […]