By Michael Terborg (Teacher Librarian) I’m a rather unique librarian for an elementary school. Before working in school libraries, I worked in three different federal research libraries, my education spans most every discipline, and I have a firm grasp of current and emerging technology. Yes, my skills may mean that I can provide my students […]
Tag: #IEstoryform
The Power of Imagination (I): Myths, Stories, & Thought Experiments
A word of introduction… During World Creativity & Innovation Week 2018 I had the pleasure of moderating a week-long conversation on imagination with the Google+ Creative Higher Education (#CreativeHE) community. I ended the week with an electronic file overflowing (if such a thing is possible) with intriguing resources and reference on imagination and creativity. Dr. […]
Getting Outside In Higher Education: Walking Curriculum (I)
During World Creativity & Innovation Week (April 15-21, 2018) I had the pleasure of moderating a week-long conversation on imagination with the Google+ Creative Higher Education (#CreativeHE) community. My imaginative colleague Jailson Lima from Vanier College, Quebec, moderated with me. You can read the whole week of conversation on Google+ in the Creative Academic community […]