A Warp Speed Intro to Imaginative Ecological Education (IEE)

And that’s a very warp speed introduction to IEE.  Stay tuned for a short workshop video on the principles and their importance for your ecological teaching.  And, as always, enjoy the FREE resources on this blog:  Walking Curriculum, Cultivating Curiosity, Learning To Live Attentively in a Media Mad World, A Worm/Soil Study and more!  More information is also […]

What is Imaginative Ecological Education? #IEE

Human beings are not refrigerators. Industrial metaphors continue to shape the way we talk and think about education.  This is a problem. Why?  Because there’s no way approaches to teaching/planning that are inspired by factories and assembly lines can support ecological understanding–that sense of one’s implicatedness in all life and the care and concern to do something […]