By Miss Genny (Grade 1 & 2 Multiage Classroom Teacher) Sit Spots at the Pond It is amazing what happens when you sit still and listen. Today we decided to take a mindful minute out at the pond. We found a spot to sit and agreed to be as peaceful and calm as we could […]
Tag: #walkingcurriculum
Lifewide Learning & Education: Why Are These Important Concepts For All Education Systems?
By Norman Jackson (Founder/Facilitator of Lifewide Education and Creative Higher Education) Everyone who works in the field of education is familiar with the concept of ‘lifelong learning’, the journey of learning and personal development we all make through the sequential stages of our life. Viewed at the scale of a life, for most people, formal […]
Walk The Talk
By Lidor Wyssocky (@LidorWyssocky, @seempli) No, it’s not an error… A long, long time ago, in a different lifetime, maybe even on a different planet, I used to walk to school and back every day. It wasn’t common back then for parents to give their kids a ride to school, the distance didn’t justify a school bus […]