By Darcie Booth (Grade 5 Teacher/MEd Student in Imaginative Education) Why should intermediate teachers use the Walking Curriculum (Judson, 2018)? Simply stated, it emotionally connects your students to their natural surroundings and awakens their imaginations. The Walking Curriculum can inspire, improve and increase written output for your students’ creative writing. As a Grade 5 classroom […]
Tag: #wonder
Wonder in our world; resources, links, ideas
Destination Imagination: Our Story
By Joan Vyner (Affiliate Director, Destination Imagination BC) Here’s the scenario: your team has been asked to create an amusement park attraction in an unusual location. You have to include three scientific concepts in the attraction, create and present a story about the impact that the attraction has on the unusual location, and the attraction […]
Walking The Tightrope Between Content And Imagination
By Kiran Heer (Kindergarten Teacher, MEd student in Imaginative Education) What is imagination? This question was the foundation of my action research project. Adults might answer that imagination is forming new ideas or concepts in the mind. But I didn’t ask this question to adults, I asked kindergarten students. Teachers that work with kindergarteners will […]