During World Creativity & Innovation Week (April 15-21, 2018) I had the pleasure of moderating a week-long conversation on imagination with the Google+ Creative Higher Education (#CreativeHE) community. My imaginative colleague Jailson Lima from Vanier College, Quebec, moderated with me. You can read the whole week of conversation on Google+ in the Creative Academic community […]
Tag: #wonder
Wonder in our world; resources, links, ideas
Once Upon A Time…A Story Of Learning Through Leading
Being a “newish” administrator in an elementary school is a continually daunting task. You are attempting to learn the role of an educational leader, while at the same time managing the administrative tasks that go along with the role. It really becomes a precarious balancing act which many new administrators can struggle with. Being an […]
SLAM & The Story Of The Ancient Squash Seeds
By Christina Tran and Tye G. McIvor SLAM is the Sustainable Living Academy Manitoba program offered at West Kildonan Collegiate in the Seven Oaks School Division, in Manitoba, Canada. In SLAM our goal is to learn and become leaders of a sustainable future in all aspects. This means environmentally and culturally. As students, we worked […]