Leadership & Imagination

Hear From Experts: Research Project 

The Cultivating Imagination: Leading Toward a Just Future podcast and blog series is completed (for now). Use the contact form here or on the podcast website to get involved.


Cultivating Imagination in Leadership: Transforming Schools and Communities (Judson & Dougherty, 2023) is now available. Get your copy here. You can read more about the book and its research in here or here. Learn more by viewing episodes in the Cultivating Imagination in Leadership webinar series.

Leadership Stories Collection

In these posts, leaders respond to an invitation to share their stories of how imagination contributes to their educational leadership practices. Some of these stories are included in Cultivating Imagination in Leadership: Transforming Schools and Communities (Judson & Dougherty, 2023).

Submit your own leadership story of imagination in action here.

Podcasts & Webinars

Cultivating Imagination in Leadership Series: Webinar One

Panelists: Dr. Dan Laitsch, Dr. Sara Pazur, Karen Steffensen

Cultivating Imagination in Leadership Series: Webinar Two

Panelists: Dr. Laurie Anderson, Dr. Mark Fettes, Craig Mah, Rose Pillay, Courtney Robertson, Johnathan Sclater

Cultivating Imagination in Leadership Series: Webinar Three

Panelists: Dr. Lynn Fels, Tara Preston, Dr. Katie Strom

Spark Sessions EduSpark Podcast. Host: Andrew Mowat. Episode 2: Imagination Matters (Leadership) (Gillian Judson)

The Surprising Role of Imagination in Leadership

The Imaginative School Symposium Series

Read the following posts to learn about the community engaged research project that began in the Fall of 2019. The work brings together SFU’s graduate students in the Imaginative Leadership and Imaginative Education cohorts with educational leaders from the local community.


Imaginative Schools, Imaginative Leadership, Imaginative Education Session One (By Gillian Judson)

What’s in a Name? Building an Imaginative Schools Network (ISS Session Two) (By Amanda Van Garderen and Courtney Robertson)

Guidance and Inspiration for Imaginative Schools: Final Report of the Imaginative Schools Symposium Series (2019-2020)

Research: Peer-Reviewed Articles

Dougherty, M. & Judson, G. (2025). Leading with the possible in mind: Educational leaders’ experiences engaging imagination in practice. Journal of Ethical Educational Leadership, 8(1), 25-43. 

Judson, G. & Dougherty, M. (2024). Imagination as a catalyst for relational leadership: Educational leaders’ perspectives. International Journal of Leadership in Learning, 24(1), 5–35. https://doi.org/10.29173/ijll43

Judson, G. (2023). Cultivating leadership imagination with cognitive tools: An imagination-focused approach to leadership education. Journal of Research on Leadership Education. doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/19427751211022028 *OPEN ACCESS

Judson, G. (2023). A dirty little secret: Studying imagination, imaginatively, in a Leadership education graduate program. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 23(4), 74-91.

Judson, G. (2022). Engaging and cultivating imagination in equity-focused school leadership. International Journal for Leadership and Learning, 22(1), pp. 252-264. doi: https://doi.org/10.29173/ijll11

Judson, G. (2020). Conceptualizing Imagination in the Context of School Leadership. International Journal of Leadership in Education. doc: 10.1080/13603124.2020.1818289


These posts reflect early and ongoing explorations of how imagination contributes to educational leadership in action. They reveal a particular interest in the role of cognitive tools in leadership practices and their potential for leadership education.

Imaginative Leadership Mindset?

Special series by principal and Imaginative Education MEd alumnus Jonathan Sclater.

And More

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